Hannoja's Hideout - Thriftiness, Old-Style, PC Security, etc..


Hannoja's Hideout

Little by little, one travels far.

~ J.R.R. Tolkien ~

What's here?

You'd be forgiven for thinking that this was a site about J.R.R. Tolkien, The Hobbit, or Lord of the Rings, but it's not. It's my own little hobbit home on the web :)

sunlit glade

This is my online scrapbook: somewhere to keep notes about things I want to remember. I'm forever jotting down bits of information I come across. With two small, and.. 'lively', boys around the place, things rarely stay where I put them! So this, I hope, is somewhere more permanent for my scribblings...

Why should I visit?

Well you already have, so thanks :). Seriously though, it's mainly a personal site for me, but if someone else finds it useful that's great. Come in if you like. If not, please don't bang the door when you leave ^..^

What's new?

That depends on when you were last here and what you think is interesting.. :P

I have a little low carb page here


"A fanatic is one who can't change is mind, and won't change the subject"
~ Winston Churchill ~


The Hunger Site



I've tried to keep track of anyone I need to give credit to whilst building my site, but if you find something here that shouldn't be, please let me know (see credit page)